Babtunde comedian performs @ LOL Show - Harrow - This is Joke
 fuck all najis (2009-10-23 at 06:42:31)
 fuck yu alll nigerains .

 naija boy (2009-10-23 at 07:10:15)
 dis guy is funni man real talk .

 naija boy (2009-10-23 at 07:10:21)
 dis guy is funni man real talk .

 lady (2009-10-23 at 11:37:52)
 i love wen he said im no wokin heaar .

 green white greeen all dizzay (2009-10-23 at 12:07:03)
 (FUK ALL NIJIS) oi fam r u fuckin dumb bout fuk nigerians we duz dis u lil prick go sukkkk ur muda .

 loooooooooooooooooool (2009-10-23 at 12:08:12)
 loooooooooooooool .

 FLYGERIA SAY NUTN (2009-10-23 at 12:11:07)
 green white green all day man knw wat time it is.anyone dat is hatin on us suk ur gran like the first guy dat commented .

 ra (2009-10-23 at 16:51:45)
 saw this guy when he first started on kojo's comedy night.. funny dude from the start. good luck to him .

 south syndicate (2009-10-25 at 23:46:33)
 diz nigga is fukin funny!! .

 itjihuyg (2009-10-30 at 15:20:22)
 this breh is shit wwaaaasssshhh .

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Babtunde comedian performs @ LOL Show - Harrow - This is Joke
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