Lool - @Dormtainment - How To Approach Women Comedy - Have Confidence
 loooooool (2012-11-22 at 05:20:47)
 that repeated chuckle too much jokes .

 2279BE09 (2012-11-22 at 09:29:12)
 add if you wanna make 1k in 15 mins .

 hehehahahahaherhhahha (2012-11-22 at 13:58:29)
 fukin niggas wid no game .

 Hj (2012-11-22 at 15:31:30)
 Didnt find this funny .

 Lol This dead on (2012-11-25 at 22:09:29)
 American black dudes FASHO all you hear is "Ay, curly hair", "AY, red shirt", "Ay, Ugg boots" these niggas call you by any physical feature or clothing. They made it funny, but this real and rude. .

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 If you're going to possess a website -- and you should -- you have to have a trusted web host. How do you get a website hosting company using the features, support and cost that serves your requiremen .

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Lool - @Dormtainment - How To Approach Women Comedy - Have Confidence
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