Notting Hill Carnival 2009 - Part 1 - (including rampage, fight, riot lesbians and more)
 Hij (2009-09-02 at 05:56:25)
 No 1 can hype to me at these places .

 Quality Control (2009-09-02 at 06:01:32)
 Hij, you own Grime Forum but are you gonna bang doe ? .

 Joesph (2009-09-02 at 09:59:08)
 Sorry im late guys i must have missed the memo .

 hij u prick (2009-09-02 at 12:50:24)
 r u superman? .

 Ayo.. (2009-09-02 at 13:02:14)
 Wag1 for that lesbian vid lol i been hearin bout that.. PUT THAT VID UPP :) .

 biggavell (2009-09-02 at 13:58:47)
 i'm a faggot. .

 Hij (2009-09-02 at 16:15:38)
 I aint superman i'm just a forum neek in reality .

 wow (2009-09-02 at 16:25:40)
 toooooooo much base shit .

 funky gee (2009-09-02 at 17:16:44)
 goin carni but are u gonna bang doe come wid the crew but are you gonna ba .

 big im (2009-09-02 at 17:17:21)
 dats my uncle rufuss dancing .

 ... (2009-09-02 at 21:33:01)
 u can see man der in rampage.. hold tyt de mozart mandem .

 .... (2009-09-02 at 22:32:17)
 You know who dat was da real piru niggas GROVE I SEE U .

 Rampage (2009-09-08 at 09:10:29)
 whos got the 1st day of rampage on video wen da warwick lots were beefin grove and nuff feds run in der wid batons and sheilds dat was crazy .

 Rampage (2009-09-08 at 09:10:38)
 whos got the 1st day of rampage on video wen da warwick lots were beefin grove and nuff feds run in der wid batons and sheilds dat was crazy .

 South London Yute (2009-09-27 at 13:26:29)
 Missed dis FUCK SAKE .

  LADBROKE GROVE BLOOD GANG (2009-10-04 at 15:38:58)

 grove side (2009-10-19 at 15:56:09)
 them gassed up youts got da red ting .

 GROVESIDE (2009-10-20 at 12:02:43)
 see bare man watchin us when we was wavin dem red bandana's get me SU BLUD CLART WUUU .

 lbg (2009-11-12 at 03:39:33)
 1.06 is wen grove have rampage on smash .

 FUK LADBROKE (2009-11-30 at 19:24:59)

 D. (2010-03-03 at 19:56:44)
 Hij shut the fuck upyou dun know your weak .

 real tlk (2010-08-14 at 12:46:05)
 man need to allow da beef wen it cums to carnival . its all bwt dancin with girl tryin to beat fuck beefin dats gayyy .

 sibo and shanice (2010-06-01 at 14:49:02)
 dats dat zhane gurl we hate her .

 Zhane (2010-06-20 at 14:00:01)
 Yes I am datz zhane gal init, i dont giv ah fuk if u hate me, datz jus showz sumthing init, i beg u state yr self cah i dnt no u init kmt .

 Zhane (2010-06-20 at 14:02:04)
 Yes I am datz zhane gal init, i dont giv ah fuk if u hate me, datz jus showz sumthing init, i beg u state yr self cah i dnt no u init kmt .

 Bigz (2010-06-25 at 22:30:31)
 peak 4 me bopi slipping at 33sec ah man dis year should b live] .

 HJJ'S MUM (2010-07-21 at 17:38:10)

 lesbians (2011-01-16 at 11:26:54)
 i mastur bated at da lesbian scene .

 look at bait ladderz in da middle u (2011-09-04 at 08:04:46)
 look at bait ladderz in da middle u tall motherfucker .

 jj0HCo Every time I come back here (2011-09-30 at 05:01:00)
 jj0HCo Every time I come back here again and don`t get disappointed..! .

 STEROIDS (2012-04-04 at 16:41:55)
 www.wannabesexi.webs.com www.wannabesexi.webs.com www.wannabesexi.webs.com www.wannabesexi.webs.comwww.wannabesexi.webs.comwww.wannabesexi.webs.com Sus, Decca, Winstrol, Dbol, Anapolon, Clen, Tren .

 STEROIDS (2012-04-04 at 16:42:05)
 www.wannabesexi.webs.com www.wannabesexi.webs.com www.wannabesexi.webs.com www.wannabesexi.webs.comwww.wannabesexi.webs.comwww.wannabesexi.webs.com Sus, Decca, Winstrol, Dbol, Anapolon, Clen, Tren .

 NapUnloallepe (2013-03-24 at 16:15:22)
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Notting Hill Carnival 2009 - Part 1 - (including rampage, fight, riot lesbians and more)
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