Rimz - Im On [Official Net Video] - East London - Goes In Money Music
 Gassed (2012-03-10 at 04:17:49)
 Same niqqa behind his PC saying he sound like DVS all day! Dum yout! Rimz is hard and yall going on like he a new rapper! There are many rappers in the world that sound like different people! Asap Rocky sounds like bizzy bone, kayne west , andre.. so? .

 WTF? (2012-03-09 at 17:58:56)

 yehhh (2012-03-09 at 13:31:19)
 yehh .

 hahaha (2012-03-09 at 10:20:04)
 new dvs next to get robbed .

 hard (2012-03-09 at 08:54:30)
 rimz frogz n thar guy r arrddd y aint they got tunes together aint they from the same block .

 n15 (2012-03-09 at 08:37:51)
 Keep doing your ting fam punchlines are sayin alott still... .

 tuks (2012-03-09 at 08:44:01)
 madonna bro is homeless think bout dat i aint bragin if i find sumthink to stash truth be told everyday i feel mad coz the streets is mine i can always have it back but i gotta see everyone eat dats da plan im like a graham c u in the back truth be told i can set up tuk shop any where on da map i never chose to be in this position so i feel damed and refuse to enjoy life without da rest of my gang others call me a one man band coz dare at a diffrent stage on there path n i already done laps cant understand people say freedom is a must and they wanna turn it back into the jungle gardens but dats survival of da fittest n da inocent get left starving or half to become basterds now its da tecknology era i read in the paper hundred millions using phones n computers theres advances but people forget there roots quik imagine the next generation aint that the reason u wanna sucseed or are u tryner brainwash imaginations have a teckno meltdown n blackout the sun flaming den da *^£! will eat everythink and they say day dont eat bacon to me its like there pretending i dont give a fuck about aliens cant comit galactic violations without a conseqwence n i dont mean rageing or milky way raceing. if ur a music man look up big sty a diss rapper inteligent still a banger other rappers say hes an acter but now gangsters sing to camaras so im just mixed up patten on a patten on a patten n so on pick ur combination n make it happen. good luck dont get flucked up t .

 ayy (2012-03-09 at 07:03:03)
 man like dvs .

 This boy thinks he's Dv (2012-03-09 at 07:46:27)
 lool .

 @ ayy (2012-03-09 at 07:45:56)
 fuck DVS, u think rimz is getting robbed liek DVS...this nigga is arrd .

 The top 3 hood money making rappers (2012-03-12 at 06:28:08)
 1.G Fresh 2.Nines (C.R.S) 3.DVS .

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 jheeze (2012-04-02 at 17:30:16)
 hahha shut about the next one to get robbed oh please stop hating .

 hes a yout (2012-04-23 at 06:06:43)
 he can get touched simple .

 moneykidz (2012-05-14 at 15:59:56)
 man like rimz going arrddddd .

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Rimz - Im On [Official Net Video] - East London - Goes In Money Music
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