SOX Goes In On Funky Dee [ R u Gonna Bang Doe Artist] Diss @KETCHDISTV @Sox_invasion
 loool (2012-12-19 at 09:26:24)
 jokeman looool .

 Errrr (2012-12-19 at 06:14:19)
 Looooool dat accent is nasty, makes him look even more moist .

 Londoner se (2012-12-18 at 19:54:38)
 If your gonna say he's copying anyone then u may aswell through devil man in there too. He is wicked and funky dee could never be on his level as a artist period. Brum accent is wicked,Liverpool nasty .

 ash (2012-12-18 at 19:38:03)
 what the fuck is this moist shit.. naaaaah .

 stick em (2012-12-18 at 18:48:16)
 his blower is deaaaad .

 Huh! (2012-12-18 at 17:55:31)
 I'm cracking up! Do another 1! Get him again! .

 Jay (2012-12-18 at 15:09:01)
 arrghhhthat accent is butters i swear .

 nanananana (2012-12-18 at 07:03:45)
 dont say brums fuckin up london in ur bars u nerd u done ur ting but brum are never ever on londons level dicked .

 NOO (2012-12-18 at 05:52:18)
 hes sikkkk funky d got boid offff haahaaa .

 nada (2012-12-18 at 05:53:55)
 peak sox is big in da game truss funky got llyricalllyy slaughterddddddd .

 OIII (2012-12-18 at 05:51:37)

 tramp (2012-12-18 at 13:35:23)
 u see mans finger nails when he showed da message on hes phone .

 loool (2012-12-18 at 13:31:16)
 funky dee and him are broke why did i evan click dis .

 the dentist (2012-12-18 at 13:03:31)
 them teef boy LOOL .

 dis guys teeth (2012-12-18 at 10:02:15)
 dis guy needs to fix up his teeth making him talk funny loool washed yout .

 dis guys teeth (2012-12-18 at 10:01:46)
 dis guy needs to fix up his teeth making him talk funny loool washed yout .

 U serious?? (2012-12-18 at 11:05:58)
 Wtf u can't spit, ppl use to say u was shit bk then u still r fuk out of here u beg .

 pussy (2012-12-18 at 10:58:25)
 moist white cunt .

 elevator (2012-12-18 at 03:45:33)
 i forgot all about funkydee till this.... i think hes beggin 4 recognition..... lol imagine this guy tried 2 rob u with his chris maloney voice .

 REAL TALK (2012-12-18 at 03:28:33)

 2a43833f (2012-12-18 at 03:25:35)
 HOLLA to make quick money .

 lol (2012-12-18 at 00:26:58)
 u went in .

 grime presidet (2012-12-18 at 03:11:15)
 trilla ripoff took the whole of trilla's flow n ra with it lil waste man tramp, clea ya teeth .

 Yo yo (2012-12-18 at 03:05:59)
 I heard k koke said your Dick head .

 fag (2012-12-22 at 00:27:16)
 this guy is gay .

 29606856 (2012-12-22 at 15:10:54)
 Wanna make p's?, its fully legit You invest some money and I give you double for your money, just add me if yoou wanna know more on how to do it just add me fully legit get adding pep asap!! 29606856 .

 FUCK SOX (2012-12-24 at 08:20:38)
 what kinda name is sox? real talks whos sox his nothing in brum i know bare man that will take sox's life .

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SOX Goes In On Funky Dee [ R u Gonna Bang Doe Artist] Diss @KETCHDISTV @Sox_invasion
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