WTF!! Big Fight Kick Off With Gay Guys - They Fighting Like Girls - Outside Club
 gj (2012-06-06 at 20:08:04)
 Its funny cause there gay .

 tnt (2012-06-07 at 01:16:12)
 fuck dirty white gay fuckers kill all white faggots .

 l0000000000000l (2012-06-07 at 12:06:19)

 Pussy (2012-06-06 at 11:16:08)
 some next pussy fight .

 -__- (2012-06-06 at 11:47:27)
 omd i wanna beat them all up. .

 first (2012-06-04 at 11:27:00)
 fuk u lot .

 ttt (2012-06-04 at 11:27:40)
 dis is moist fuck all white ppl .

 3rd (2012-06-04 at 11:29:42)
 fcuk the first im 3rd sume battyman ting LOOOL .

 this is so bats (2012-06-04 at 11:53:24)
 they should die .

 honey (2012-06-04 at 13:28:39)
 looooooooooooooooool .

 dis is havelock gang (2012-06-04 at 13:52:59)
 dis was in toplockz, dahs d-ray and megz beefing, no lie dey go ard fam sum UFC fighters .

 00:41 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (2012-06-04 at 15:28:50)

 haha (2012-06-04 at 15:51:02)
 americans are weak .

 opl (2012-06-04 at 16:12:30)
 tt?? y b racist ur fucking invalide twat .

 FUCKING DICKS (2012-06-04 at 17:25:23)
 This is like toddlers fighting .

 na dawggg (2012-06-04 at 18:08:27)
 whys everyone shouting stop no one getting hurt smh .

 kmt (2012-06-04 at 18:33:14)
 fuck gay pple fuck the goverment this gay shit is wrong we all will die bc of this virus sick people. .

 FUCK GAYS (2012-06-05 at 06:29:48)

 khash (2012-06-06 at 03:44:57)
 I laughed a lot. thanks .

 ellis (2012-07-06 at 15:56:35)
 fucking girls .

 mika (2012-06-15 at 17:00:04)
 omg this is so violentn pmsl i wish everyone fight like thise then fights wud never be fatal. ITS ALMOST IN SLOW MOTION .

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WTF!! Big Fight Kick Off With Gay Guys - They Fighting Like Girls - Outside Club
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